Lush White Roses Desert Wedding

Jun 18

Beautiful lush flowers adorned this couple’s white roses desert wedding day at Sanctuary Resort in Paradise Valley, Arizona. A stunning desert background set the stage for the lovely fall wedding day.


A lush floral arch framed the couple in the ceremony altar space. The arch was a dense floral installation of white roses and dark greenery. We absolutely loved the opportunity to create a garden arch this lush and full. Large ground florals arrangements extended all the way down the aisle. White rose petals also covered the entire aisle.

Cocktail Hour

Cocktail Hour featured a Coachella inspired seating chart. A ground floral arrangement was placed next to the custom design. The tall boys had little bud vases placed on top of white rose stems.


The reception design was very candle and flower heavy in the space. Floating candles lined the staircase down to reception. A mix of centerpiece designs were used including floral centerpieces, bud vases, and candles. Ground florals were reused from the ceremony in front of the sweetheart table. We flipped the arch around and they placed the cake table in front of it for an epic cake moment between the couple.

It was a joy to be a part of this couple’s sweet white roses desert wedding. We loved how the design turned out for the celebrating in such a beautiful space.

Are you ready for Allison to help you create a cohesive design that highlights your unique love story? No need to scour the internet trying to decide what would be the best fit for your big day. Allison and the Array Design team are here to help you every step of the way. 

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Venue | Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort

Planner | Your Jubilee

Photographer | Marisa Belle Photography

Florals | Array Design

DJ | Trego the DJ

Cake | A Bake Shop

Linens | BBJ LaTavola

Makeup | Le Beige Beauty

Rentals | Noble Dizzigns Rentals Event Rents Prim Design Co.

Production | Divinity Event Productions

Vintage Car | Jenz Benz

Videographer | My Event Film

Music | Lee Perreira

Photobooth | Pixster Photobooth

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