Sweet Spring Arizona Wedding

Jun 17

This couple’s sweet spring Arizona wedding day was filled with fun color! The Array Design team created colorful floral designs including the bridal and bridesmaids bouquets as well as ground arrangements.


We absolutely loved the fun color palette the bride was up for paired with the nice variety of bridesmaid dresses in shades and patterns of red. The ceremony took place at Redemption Arcadia church in the sanctuary. Two ground arrangements were utilized on either side of the altar space to accent the front of the ceremony. The couple added a carpet and candles to make it a cozy space.

Cocktail Hour

At the private residence the post ceremony celebration began with the soft golden light reflecting on the mountain. Cocktail hour featured an awesome bar vendor with a unique greenery front with neon sign bar.


The ceremony ground arrangements were pulled to accent the sweetheart table during the reception. Bridesmaid bouquets were placed to accent tables throughout the reception space. The bride and groom had a fun sparkler exit to close the day on their sweet spring Arizona wedding.

Are you ready for Allison to help you create a cohesive design that highlights your unique love story? No need to scour the internet trying to decide what would be the best fit for your big day. Allison and the Array Design team are here to help you every step of the way. 

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Photographer | Amanda Karis Photography

Venue | Redemption Arcadia

Florist | Array Design

Dress | Luv Bridal

Makeup | Linda Wagner Makeup And Style

Hair | Hair Joy

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